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"We understand your aesthetic - as well as the form and function of your spaces. So let's get started on your concept plans, resource plans, detailed design and planting!"
"We understand your aesthetic - as well as the form and function of your spaces. So let's get started on your concept plans, resource plans, detailed design and planting!"
Landscape Design
Tiny Homes - Waiwera
Clients wished to cover a bank with natives. Pittosporum Crassifolium are the backdrop to this design and create an enclosed space and wind protection from the adjacent paddock. This plant also attracts native birds like Tui and Kereru into the garden who feast on the nectar from its flowers. With the garden retaining a mixture of Agave and Aloes, Lomandra grasses were planted to help soften this area while Astelia Chatamica with its silver spears add texture and shape. Coprosma kirkii with its dense matted foliage creeps down to cover the clay bank. The low area around the tanks is planted with Oioi, as a wet feet loving plant this will soak up the water in this area and provide coverage. A small hedge of Corokia will help soften the view of the water tank and border the parking area. Titoki trees line the drive and will eventually provide shade to this area. This design will bring more nature into the garden and create a a lovely little nook in this part of the garden.
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